Want to help Hearts And Sleeves? Here’s a few ways
First become our friend at MySpace by going here. We use MySpace as our mailing list so if you join we’ll send out bulletins every time we post a new interview.
Contact your favorite band, artist or label and tell them that we do kick ass interviews and they should take the 20 minutes to do an interview with us the next time they come to the Connecticut area.
You can purchase Hearts and Sleeves merch here.
You can purchase Hearts and Sleeves signature bracelets from Kimberly Dalton Designs here.
Or you can
We just want to make sure that you know that we aren’t ASKING for your donations. But we have had donations offered to us, so we thought we should give people that opportunity if they so desired.
aim: hrtsandslvs - msn im: heartsandsleeves@hotmail.com